
The Past and The Curious
This podcast is presented by a history teacher who tells amusing stories about the past. Even when he talks about dramatic battles, important coronations and dangerous journeys, he will always find some little-known details which will bring a smile to your face. Although it’s not a music podcast, there’s a song in each episode so children will easily remember what the podcast was about. In the final part of the podcast there is a quiz which allows listeners to check what they have learned.

Forever Ago
Every episode explores the history of just one thing, for example the sandwich, the video game or the clock. The podcast teaches listeners to think critically about the past. You’ll discover that all everyday objects have stories to tell. In each episode, a child guest invited to the studio asks questions and the podcast presenter answers them.
A History of the World in 100 Objects
In each episode, Neil MacGregor presents a different object from the huge collection of the British Museum. He worked at the museum for many years and is the best person for the job. He talks about the people who made and used each object. Some objects that Neil talks about are damaged or not complete. However, all of their stories are fascinating.
Na podstawie: www.rd.com; www.brainson.org; www.bbc.co.uk